Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Big Chop!

I'm going to be 25 in 2 months. Omg. 25! Really? Since when?! I still feel like I'm 16, but it is time to get my life together. I will be graduating the end of this year as well. My life is at a turning point; so many changes. Along with these changes, I wanted to do a physical change. Why not, right? 

I have been wearing wigs and weaves for the longest time; I don't even know how long. Some people say they are helpful in growing their hair because it's a protective style. This is true for some, but not for me. Relaxers, wigs, weaves, and extensions have completely RUINED my hair! Especially my edges; they were horrible. I never felt good about my hair. Was so ashamed because of this, but my supportive boyfriend suggested I should  get my hair back on track. He was the one who finally influenced my confidence in my hair that I now have today.

Last I time I relaxed my hair was almost a year ago now and quite frankly that'll be the last time I ever do. I decided to go the natural route. From time to time I'll be wearing wigs because of fashion shows and photoshoots, but on an everyday basis I won't be. I want my hair to actually breathe and start growing. Thus, I have cut my hair. Did the big chop! 

If y'all live in the Boston area, please go to Zina's on Warren Street in Roxbury. Keisha is the dopest at cutting hair! I'll always go to her to get my hair cut, styled, washed, colored, etc. Her employee Natalie is awesome too. Here is a picture of my hair cut! 😁 

I definitely wanted a style that suited my facial features. This cut was inspired by the R&B artist Emeli Sande. I'm so happy with this change and perfect for the summer. My confidence in my hair is back!

*I'm still doing my research on how to maintain and take care of natural hair, but once I got it my routine down, I will be doing tutorials! So stay tuned!!

                     Stay beautiful
                  -Miss Chanelle <3

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Miss Me Much?

Hey y'all!

I am so, so, SO sorry about being M.I.A for several months now! I have been uber busy with so many projects, senior classes for school, work ... And well, life in general.

I have good news though, I am now have pursued my ultimate dream of being a plus size model. This is a major factor of why I have been busy. *claps hands* I found a manager who finds shows, photo shoots, and events for me to do. Building a portfolio is so important and time consuming, but I am doing what I love! Here's a pic of Fly Girl Couture's tutu skirt I modeled for Suffolk University's Coming to America show. By the way check out Unique's Fly Girl Couture collection. So dope! 

Any who, I haven't done one in a while so here it is ... OOTD baby. Yes, indeed. For spring break my fashion buddy Bianca and I went to California for about a week. It was so much fun. If y'all haven't been, you HAVE to go. Being lovers of fashion, of course we went to LA and Hollywood. Amazing by the way! I went on a shopping spree in preparation for our trip. We HAD to look our best!

I dropped MAJOR money on this spree of mine LOL, but it was all good. I shopped at Forever 21 and my new favorite store Fashion to Figure, also known as FTF. You ladies have to check out their pieces if you all haven't done so already. The piece that I got the most compliments on was this Georgina Geometric Printed jumpsuit. I believe it was $36.50 at the time I bought it, but it is now $30.50 on FTF's website! I paired it with my pearl layered necklace from Rainbow, and teal heart shaped earrings from Forever 21. This is a great not only for casual outings, but can also be dressed up with pumps.

For my next favorite outfit, I wore FTF's Cynthia High Waisted Jeans. These were $38.50 and are still in stock on their website! The fit is awesome, but make my butt look a little flat, but most high waisted bottoms fit that way anyways. A crop top is perfect to complete the look. The neckline and upside down triangular cut out screams feminine and flirty. And for someone who does not have a big bust like myself, the top certainly makes the "girls" look nice haha.

Well, that is all ladies ... And maybe gents. I wish you all well and thank you so much for still viewing my page. It's up to 12,000+ views since my last post!

                   Stay beautiful <3
                     -Miss Chanelle

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Plus Modeling

Even though I love to write about fashion, beauty, and health, I do aspire to become a Plus Size, or Full-Figured model. The demographic for this type of modeling is HUGE right now. Modeling isn't just about looking beautiful and showing off dope clothing; it's about setting yourself as a role model to other females who may look up to you. I want to be someone's role model. I want to set a good example of all curvy women, letting them know that my non hourglass shaped self and chunk is sexy! 

That is the main reason why I aspire to become a well-known full-figured model. The models I often see in catalogs and retail sites are big busted with small waists and wide hips. UM?! Just like straight models, there are different shapes of plus size females. Why can't retailers have plus size models that are rectangle shaped, or apple shaped? Are these shapes not beautiful as well? Well, I certainly do believe that they are just as beautiful! 

By the way this is not trash talking about any models who are hour glass shaped. Just trying to make a point of different shapes of plus size models need to be shown! I'm not throwing shade at no one. We are all beautiful!

I look up to models such as Tess Munster who is not the typical hourglass plus size model. She is unbelievably beautiful with tattoos and piercings. Her career is huge and she's doing it big!! So, again, why can't other shapes be portrayed? No clue. When will this body shaming subside? Who knows. That's the modeling business for ya I guess.  

Here's an unedited photo of my first photo shoot ever! It was Valentines Day themed and I sported some sexy lingerie with no shame whatsoever! Ladies please learn to love yourself. I was skeptical at first of posting this on Instagram, but why should I have felt that way? I'm representing all the ladies who see models and wish they had the flat stomach, small waist, and wide hip body shape. 

Hopefully I can be just as successful as Tess Munster with my small boobs, rolls, and proportioned ratio of my waist to my hips. LOL

                      Stay beautiful <3
                      -Miss Chanelle

Friday, November 8, 2013

StyleFixx Event Review

Last night my girl Bianca had invited me to one of the best fashion event I have ever been to.  The StyleFixx Event consists of over 70 brands of the hottest trends in Fashion, Wine & Beer, Lifestyle, Travel, Food, Beauty, etc.  These events occur in several different cities such as Los Angeles, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, and of course, New York.  The night was full of entertainment, fashion, complimentary treatments, and FREE WINE!

As soon as I walked it, I was overwhelmed with all the bright lights and stands upon stands of several vendors selling tables of jewelry and clothing.  Such vendors were Botica, Boutique, L'Oreal, MiniLuxe, Wicked Wines, House of Cach, Ruby, and the Pink Poppy.  It was like I had died and gone to heaven y'all lol.  We checked in and received a free swag bag full of goodies and a wristband consisted of 4 tickets for 4 free drinks.  This was the place to be!

This was a fashion event so I was bound to see fashionable looking people, right?  Wrong! LOL I barely did.  For the RECORD I am NOT critiquing the event itself, but just the ladies who attended it.  I mean, I wasn't best dressed either because I had just came straight from work and was in my work clothes; but we all know that the city of Boston is NOT known for fashion at all lol.  My eye was wandering all night throughout the room and I was hoping I would come across some fashion forward ladies to blog about.

And there she was!  I saw an outfit I actually liked that was not so passe and boring.  This brought me life!  I had never done something like this before, so I asked my friend Bianca if she could ask the nice young lady to take a picture of her outfit (yea, yea I was scared) WHATEVER lol.  Here it is:

As the picture was being taken she informed us both that she bought this BeBe military inspired dress jacket from Marshalls for $60 on clearance.  What a bargain!  What attracted me to this outfit was the pleated flare skirt along with the parallel gold button detailing.  The fact that she paired this with black pleather tall boots and gold hoop earrings made me love it even more!  And of course she had to add in the belt to cinch in the waist.  Even though this is casual attire, it was still one of the best outfits I saw and she WERKED it.  This is absolutely a MUST BUY ladies.  If you're seeing this young lady, thank you again for letting me take your picture and as promised I did not include your face lol.

Okay!  I saved the best for last.  Once I saw this beautiful sister's fiery red hair and $2,000 Christian Louboutin Red Bottom shoes, my jaw instantly dropped and I knew I had to be a creep and ask for a picture.  Meet my new fab and chic friend Miss Chelsea Page shown below.  I loved her attitude and the way she carried herself with such confidence!  After chatting with her for a bit I discovered we have a common love and interest in fashion.  As you can see below, she is wearing casual night out attire, however, those SHOES and that PURSE make the outfit.  I feel as though shoes and accessories can totally throw off or complete an outfit.  Can I just say she did a damn good job completing that outfit.  WERK hunny!  We plan on shopping together someday so that I can observe how she shops and in return she can she how I shop.  Sucks that I can't afford Red Bottom shoes, but I will be able to one day!

Here are some more pictures from the event.  Take a look see and enjoy! 
They even had hairdressers doing complimentary hair styles!

Gold and turquoise themed jewelry from Pink Poppy. 

Um, can I have it all please?

Me and Bianca showcasing Wicked Wines.  Go follow them on Instagram @WickedWines and like them on Facebook: 

One of my favorite flavors of their wine. Stylish, of course.
My favorite vendor of the night lol

 I do recommend anybody living in the cities where StyleFixx events occur, to attend them hands down.  This event was SO much fun and I guarantee you all 100% you would enjoy it as much as I did.

I want to thank each and every one of you who view my page.  Everyday the page views are increasing and re-insures me that I am doing something right in my life and need to keep pushing forward.  Thanks for all the support! I'm almost up to 5,000 views.  Keep them coming ladies!! Stay tuned for my next post!  

Stay beautiful <3
-Miss Chanelle

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hair Turbans!

Everyone has bad hair days at times.  What do you do when you have a bad hair day?  Throw it up in a ponytail?  Or maybe in a big messy bun on the top of your head?  Well, in my case, I like to throw on a hair turban!  This is a feminine chic look that has been worn by women for centuries now.


The turban originated in the West at the end of the 17th century.  It is an expression of glamour and a way to keep your hair in check.  Here is some background information on how it evolved over time as a fashion statement.

During the 19th century the turban in the fashion cycle declined, but by the 20th century designer Paul Poiret brought it back with his Eastern-influenced style.  Poiret's aesthetic was ultimately adopted by aristocrats such as Peggy Guggenheim and beautiful silent film stars like Gloria Swanson, shown below.
In 1930s and 1940s, the turban became a symbol for the independent; well-educated, traveling women, such as icon Greta Garbo, who was famous worldwide in Hollywood and across the globe.  Lana Turner also wore a turban in the black and white film The Postman Always Rings Twice in 1946.
Let's jump ahead of time to the 60's, shall we?  The ever-so-lovely fashion forward Elizabeth Taylor wore the turban, pairing it with a shimmery ball gown like the one shown below.  She was SO pretty!
In the groovy 70's, women began wearing the turban more as a hat than as a head wrap, letting their long, straight hair loose.  In 1973, Barbra Streisand wore her turban and fur coat at the premiere of The Way We Were.  I am not a fan of this look because I will NEVER wear fur. Fake fur, sure, but real ... YUCK!
We're jumping to the Millennium now!  In 2006 J.Lo hit the MTV Video Music Awards red carpet.  Channeling Streisand, she gave it a disco twist with a matching gown.
I LOVE this next look. Miss Solange! She's so eccentric. You can tell she's bringing it back to her roots, pairing the turban with a beaded necklace.  Such a bold statement!
Okay so here's MY rendition of this hair accessory! 
So of course this is my bad hair day moment lol. I bought the turban at Family Dollar ... yes, I said Family Dollar, for only $2!! Who can beat that?  This was my first time wearing it.  I paired it with pearl earrings and a pearl necklace (which is actually a headband).  I threw on a pink sweater from H&M ($19.99), which was covered by my charcoal colored varsity half jacket.  I had this jacket for a long time.  Not sure where I bought it from, probably Debs.  For bottoms I wore my pale pink denims from Rainbow ($10).  Sorry that I didn't take a full body pic.

This is my OOTN attire.  I was inspired by Rihanna OBVIOUSLY!  At one point in time she did wear a lot of black.  ALL BLACK EVERYTHING is what I like to call this look.  The long sleeve mock crop top is from Wet Seal ($11.90).  This is paired with sweater knit leggings ($9.99) and studded combat boots ($30), both from Rainbow.  Since the boots are silver studded, I topped it off with silver hooped earrings that I've had for a while.  My bracelets are from The Avenue, a full set for only $14.99.  My face is all done by Fergie's "Center Stage Collection" by Wet 'N Wild. I did dark thick eye liner, with a dark plum lip to match.

What do you think about my look?  Love it, hate it?  COMMENT IN THE BOX!! (it's okay if you hate it, I can take constructive criticism) Don't hate just to hate though! Lol.

Well, ta ta for now!

Stay beautiful <3
-Miss Chanelle

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Let's Go Camo!

Jackets and dresses and leggings ... Oh my!  One of the biggest trends taking over in fashion is camouflage.  I have never been a big fan of camo until this year.  I don't know what it is; maybe it's the various pattern renditions of the camo print that I have seen ... or maybe the way people style their outfits.  This particular trend has always been in since the '90s and has made a huge come back in 2012.  However, in 2013 we are not only seeing camo for jackets and pants, but also in dresses, blouses, and clutches.  In my personal opinion, Rihanna definitely set the wave for this trend (like always).  Her tomboy, laidback look is so appealing to me!  Below are a couple of other celebrities who has also taken the camo wear under their wings.

After much thought, I decided to follow this movement myself.  Since I am a bargain shopper (a great one at that), I went to CW Price (formally known as AJ Wright) where they have awesome urban wear.  My OOTN theme for my ladies night this past Saturday was what I like to call, camo-denim.  This consisted of military inspired pants ($14.99 from CW Price), a simple black t-shirt ($3.99 from CW Price), 2 inch paten leather pointed toe shoes ($7.00 on clearance from CW Price), and my denim half jacket (I rolled the cuffs to complete the "edgy" look).  I am not sure when or where I got this jacket; I've had it for years now, but you can buy one from pretty much any clothing store.  I paired this outfit with a gold, black, and silver bangle set that I bought from Avenue (a plus size retail store) for $14.99 as well as gold stud earrings ($5 from Avenue) and a gold spiked chain from H&M ($9.99).

Sorry that I do not have a picture with my outfit actually on!  It was a crazy night and totally forgot lol. 
For makeup I did a dark plum lipstick from Fergie's Wet 'N Wild line and a cat eye look using Wet 'N Wild's liquid eyeliner.
This was such a dope, edgy look; definitely inspired by Rihanna.  Love this look?  Hate it?  Please comment below and let me know what you think!
Stay Beautiful <3
-Miss Chanelle


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

DIY Nails

Lately after a bad day at work or just out of plain boredom, I sit in my bedroom, watching TV and painting my nails.  Yeah, sounds like a wild time right?  But it beats paying $30 every two weeks to get my nails done!  Ever since I started my Biotin and multivitamin daily regimen, my nails have grown tremendously (too bad my hair hasn't lol).  I used the $30 that I would normally use towards getting my nails done professionally in order to purchase nail polish, rhinestones, gems, brushes, tools, and other accessories.  

Y'all know by now that I'm like an Amazon fiend; I purchased a wicked cute a 40 piece rhinestone nail art kit for only $0.83 on  Looking to purchase rhinestones for cheap?  Click on the link I provided above!  I also bought a 30 piece mixed color assortment of striping line tape.  Striping Tape: Click me.  You may ask what is striping tape?  Well, it is used to create different patterns such as checkered, argyle, or stripes.  I haven't received my shipment in yet :-( but once I do, I am going to be writing a review on the products as well as a "How To" tutorial.  There are so many designs out there that I have been seeing on Instagram (follow me, I follow back @xoxo_cocochanelle) Haha! I had to do it ... A big trend right now for nails is the argyle pattern, such as this one.  Take a look, it is a little tutorial just in case you wanted to try it out for yourself.  If you do not have nail striping tape at the moment, you can use scotch tape.

Any who, I created a pretty collage of all my designs I have done thus far.  Trust me there will be plenty more to come. Aren't they lovely? :-)  Which design is your favorite of mine?  Don't be afraid to comment!!! That's why the comment box is there lol ;-) 

Until next time ladies (and maybe even gentlemen)
Stay Beautiful <3
-Miss Chanelle